Reset Password

If you've forgotten your password, or entered your password incorrectly 10-consecutive times initiating a 30-minute account lockout, you can reset the password. (If you entered your email address at a Redbox location and didn't set up an account through, you'll need to create a new account. You can create an account at

Web Browser Password Reset

1. You can visit the Redbox Forgot Password page to request a temporary password. (The temporary password is valid for eight (8) hours)
2. Once you have your temporary password, you can login.
3. The system will ask you change your temporary password immediately.*

Mobile App Password Reset

1. Select Forgot Password from the Redbox Sign In page.
2. Enter your email address and select Send Password.
3. Once you have your temporary password, you can login.
4. The system will ask you change your temporary password immediately.*

*Passwords must contain:

* 8 characters
* a number
* a lowercase letter
* an uppercase letter
* a special character (for example, @$%*#?&)

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