Account Settings

To view or make changes to your account, go to and login, or use the Redbox mobile app.

Within My Account, these are the things you can do:

Account Features

  • Account profile - includes attributes such as your birthday for rewards, your email address and password, and your payment methods
  • On Demand - device registrations and all of your notification preferences
  • Transaction History - for the last 90 days

Changing Account Information

Once logged in to your account, simply go to My Account - Settings in your web browser or go to My Redbox and tap the person icon at the top left hand corner of your mobile app. From there you can modify the following information.

  • Profile - username, first & last name, address, phone number and birthday
  • Sign In - email address and password
  • Payment Methods - credit card information
  • Promos & Offers - marketing preferences such as text club and emails.

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